Focusing on What's Important to Achieve Your Goals

Focusing on What's Important to Achieve Your Goals

On any given day we’ll have a number of tasks and projects set in front of us. These all represent competing priorities in our world that we need to prioritize. What do we focus on first?

The Simple Steps to Avoid Getting Overwhelmed By Your Big Projects and Goals

The Simple Steps to Avoid Getting Overwhelmed By Your Big Projects and Goals

Most of the things we want to do and create in our lives are big. Like, can’t-be-done-in-an-afternoon big.

So when we sit down to think about these big projects and life goals we have for ourselves, it can be easy to get overwhelmed.

So what does it take to get started?

There's No Perfect Path Forward (And That's Okay)

There's No Perfect Path Forward (And That's Okay)

No matter what new direction we decide to take with our lives, there’s going to be some hurdles and learning curves. Our willingness to accept these challenges is what will determine our success, and even perhaps our overall happiness in life.

So how do we pick the direction we most want to take?

Make Sure You're Pursuing the Goals That Are Right for You

Make Sure You're Pursuing the Goals That Are Right for You

Does your current set of goals and aspirations align with who you are and the life you actually want to create? If not, what can you do about it?

What To Do When You Feel Like You Need to Do Everything All At Once

What To Do When You Feel Like You Need to Do Everything All At Once

I get it. You have lots of goals and things you want to change about your life. And you want to do everything NOW. Yet you can’t make much progress because you’re bouncing from one to the next before you’re able to get anything solidified. If this is you, read on.

How Finding Your Purpose Can Improve Your Wellbeing

How Finding Your Purpose Can Improve Your Wellbeing

To find your Purpose means to develop an overarching sense of what’s meaningful to you in your life. It’s drawing that line to clearly define the difference between Surviving and Thriving for YOU. So how is it done? Are there steps to take or does it just magically appear for you? The answer may surprise you…

What Does It Take To Get (And Stay!) Motivated?

What Does It Take To Get (And Stay!) Motivated?

Motivation is a tricky thing. It comes and goes, and seems to have a mind of its own.

What does it take to build and sustain motivation to achieve your goals and live the life you want?

The answer is both easier and harder than you might think…

What To Do When You're Not Where You Want to Be

What To Do When You're Not Where You Want to Be

As strange as it might sound, us humans are prone to avoid setting goals or ambitions for ourselves. We’ll do this by keeping ourselves comfortably stuck in a place where we’re unhappy. But here is what you can do about it.

What Would Make a Perfect Day?

What Would Make a Perfect Day?

One of the most important aspects of creating changes in our life and living into our ambitions is to have a clear vision of where we want to go. Here’s an exercise I like to offer my clients to help them do exactly that.