Nathan Cody Young Storytelling

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Shutting Off the Mean Voice In Your Head

I used to have a record playing on repeat in my head that constantly reminded me what a loser and terrible person I was. I wasn’t actually either of these things, but the voice in my head told me I was over and over and over again.

It took me a long time to even realize this voice was there. It was such a familiar part of my inner world that I just accepted it as part of the scenery without any question.

The funny thing was the first time I noticed this voice was when it finally started to go away. I had been working on myself, and almost on it’s own the voice became quieter. It spoke less often and even at a lower volume. It wasn’t until I noticed it was “missing” that I truly realized it had even been there. Perhaps you can relate?

One of the big things that helped to silence that voice was that I had begun sharing my story and experiences more widely with other people.

Prior to this, I really kept my thoughts to myself. I actually believed it was more noble to be reserved. To talk about myself was “showing off” or “needing attention.” The reality was that this way of thinking only served to isolate me and keep me stuck in an unhealthy relationship with the voice in my head.

As I began to open up more and share about the vulnerable and embarrassing aspects of my life, the mean voice diminished.

I came to realize that by sharing my story, I got it out in the open. Other people related to it and felt comfortable sharing their own stories with me. It helped me realize that I was’t alone in my crazy thinking. People actually admired and appreciated my courage for sharing what was on my mind.

Do you relate to these challenges at all? I’d be curious to hear your experience if you care to share it in the comments.

I’m going to be hosting a mini-workshop / discussion on the topic of “Believing In Your Own Worth” this Thursday at 1pm. It’s free and we’re doing it over Zoom. If you’re interested, I’d love to have you join. Sign up via the link:

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