Bring Storytelling to Your Team

Greater Good Storytelling has a series of workshops and facilitations that help nonprofits professionals realize the value of storytelling, understand the elements of powerful storytelling, and use storytelling effectively in their professional lives.

Below are descriptions of the most popular storytelling workshops for nonprofits. All workshops can be combined and/or customized to suit your specific organizational needs.

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Storytelling for Nonprofit Communication

Important stories happen everyday at a nonprofit. By learning how to understand, capture, and share these stories, nonprofits will have a wealth of important material to share for development, marketing, team building, empathy generating communication, and more. This workshop walks participants through a step-by-step process of seeing, understanding, and sharing the stories that exemplify the important work the nonprofit does.

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Storytelling for Nonprofit Development

Storytelling is at the core of all human communication. This workshop will help your development team better understand how to identify and craft the stories that best communicate the value of your organization, emotionally resonate with your potential donors, and inspire them to take action.

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Understand Your Donor Base with Storytelling

Your donors have a story and by learning how to tap into it you’ll be able to better understand how to craft and deliver emotionally resonate appeals. This workshop walks participants through a process that takes them into their donors’ minds, imagining their hopes and fears, and developing a set of validatable ideas about what inspires them to give.

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Creating a “Culture of Storytelling” in Your Organization

What does it mean to create a “culture of storytelling” in your organization and what are the benefits? This workshop will introduce some basic ideas for how to build storytelling into the culture of an organization for better communication, stronger group cohesion, and more consistent reaffirmation of the organization’s mission and values.  

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Storytelling for Board Communication

An engaged board that actively works to communicate the mission of the organization is the envy of every nonprofit. This workshop creates a stimulating and memorable environment from which to tap into the emotions that inspired board members to get involved, share their stories with each other, and learn to better communicate the stories of the nonprofit out into the world. This is a great facilitation for your next board retreat!

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Sharing a Leadership Vision with Storytelling

Being a leader means having a vision. One of the most powerful methods for communicating a vision is storytelling. This workshop will provide a basic framework for how nonprofit leaders can harness storytelling to communicate their vision--both inside and outside of their organization--on how a problem can be solved or a community can be improved through the nonprofit’s mission. This is a great workshop for leadership retreats!

Contact us to Learn more about bringing storytelling to your team.